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Date, time, teams, and more

Noxcrew's Minecraft Championship series (MCC) will be holding its yearly Pride tournament on June 10, 2023, at 8:00 pm BST. A total of 40 content creators will battle across 10 separate teams for minigame dominance, and the proceeds of the event will be sent to The Trevor Project to assist with LGBTQIA+ community support.

The first five teams for MCC Pride 2023 were announced on Twitter on June 1 by the organizers at Noxcrew. This was followed up by the final five teams being confirmed on June 2. The content creators participating include championship series mainstays as well as some newcomers.

For Minecraft fans looking forward to the latest championship entry, it doesn't hurt to examine the rosters before the June 10 start date.

All confirmed players and teams in Minecraft Championship Pride 2023

As of June 5, 2023, the minigames for MCC Pride 2023 have yet to be announced. However, the Minecraft content creators participating in the tournament and their designated teams have been revealed. This should allow fans to tune in to their favorite YouTubers and streamers ahead of the event to watch them practice for the championship bout.

Here are all the Minecraft Championship Pride 2023 teams and players:

  • Red Rabbits - PeteZahHutt, Grian, GeminiTay, ZombieCleo
  • Orange Ocelots - OwengeJuice, Smajor1995, InTheLittleWood, Guqqie
  • Yellow Yaks - Aimsey, Jojosolos, FalseSymmetry, Shubble
  • Lime Llamas - OllieGamerz, Sylvee, Kara Corvus, Gee Nelly
  • Green Geckos - HBomb94, Ranboo, LilyPichu, Sykkuno
  • Cyan Coyotes - Illumina, vGumiho, xChocoBars, Ryan Higa
  • Aqua Axolotls - Ph1LzA, TapL, VelvetIsCake, Eret
  • Blue Bats - KryticZeuz, Vixella, DrGluon, Antfrost
  • Purple Pandas - Krtzyy, Mysticat, ElainaExe, GizzyGazza
  • Pink Parrots - 5up, Piso, Tubbo, Bekyamon

Although this iteration of the Minecraft Championship doesn't have its official slate of minigames revealed quite yet, they're sure to be announced in the coming days.

However, Noxcrew has made it clear that Dodgebolt will certainly return, though that is to be expected considering it is the final deciding minigame in essentially every tournament entry in the series.

In addition to the players announced, there were some content creators who remarked ahead of the full team reveals that they would not be attending. Specifically, the Minecraft creator Snifferish remarked that they were busy and wouldn't be able to attend, but would be cheering on their friends during the event.

Earlier tweets by Noxcrew also mentioned Purpled, an MCC mainstay player. However, it appears that Purpled will in fact not be attending the 2023 iteration of the Pride tournament. Be that as it may, Purpled never stays out of the loop of MCC for long and may return as soon as the next tournament.

Whatever the case may be, there are only a few days left until MCC Pride 2023. Fans who are hoping to watch will want to tune in to their favorite creator who is participating in the event or check out Noxcrew's official broadcast. These sources should also provide VOD and archived video for later reference in the event players miss the championship.

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